About Us

The original FunMats idea was developed to help PTA’s raise funds. This is still of paramount importance to us today and very much part of our company ethos. We have helped schools to raise thousands and thousands of pounds over the years and we are proud of the contribution we have made.

People not machines make our products! Our production team has been with us many years and our long established reputation for quality is a credit to their care and workmanship. Our high quality products are made in our Malvern factory and we are proud to be a British manufacturer.

It is our ability to make just one coaster from each piece of artwork, or as many as required, that makes us so special. We can undertake personal orders which may be for just a few items or commercial orders where we make thousands. This flexibility is only possible because our factory still makes things the old fashioned way.

What a Good Idea! or The Story of the First FunMat

Photo of coasters
The Original FunMat, Picture.

School PTA’s are always looking for new ways of raising money for their schools and in the autumn of 1994, Malvern Wells Primary School in Worcestershire was no exception. Gill Gwilliam, a member of the Parents and Teachers Association, came up with a new idea working in conjunction with a local coaster manufacturer.

She presented to the PTA committee the idea that each child would produce a picture, which would then be manufactured into a coaster. The children’s parents would then be invited to buy their own child’s coaster, or more if they wished. Every sale would make a profit for the PTA’s autumn fundraising program.

“What a Good Idea!”
Everyone declared.

The pictures were drawn, coasters were made and the parents, who were delighted with the results, ordered lots more of their child’s coasters to give as presents.

The 100 pupil school made well in excess of £300 profit. Seeing the potential of the idea as a fundraiser for other PTA’s Gill gave up her teaching career to concentrate on developing the concept further and so FunMats was born!

Today FunMats is the schools fundraising arm of UK Made Products Ltd.